How to become a
GOOD Theoretical Physicist


English is a prerequisite. If you haven’t mastered it yet, learn it. You must be able to read, write, speak and understand English, but you don’t have to be perfect here. The lousy English used in this text is mine. That’s enough. All publications are in English. Note the importance of being able to write in English. Sooner or later you will wish to publish your results. People must be able to read and understand your stuff.

French, German, Spanish and Italian may be useful too, but they are not at all necessary. They are nowhere near the foundations of our sky-scraper, so don’t worry. You do need the Greek alphabet. Greek letters are used a lot. Learn their names, otherwise you make a fool of yourself when giving an oral presentation.

If you have managed to read and follow this webpage so far, you probably don't need a first course in English. However, you want to be precise in your academic publications. You never want to be misunderstood, after all. Below, you will find several resources that are intended to be helpful for readers of various levels and with various requirements.

Dictionaries Grammar Vocabulary Punctuation Writing Pronunciation
The Quick Guide to Punctuation General information on punctuation
Use of the comma An overview of the use of the comma.
Comma Splice or Run-on Sentence Two independent clauses joined or spliced incorrectly by a comma. Two (or more) independent clauses written with no punctuation –> run-on.
Proofreading for commas Advice on proofreading for the correct use of commas in your writing (from The Online Writing Lab).
Commas after introductory phrases Advice on commas after introductory phrases.
Apostrophe practice Practice the correct use of the apostrophe here.